Court temporarily blocked order forcing Commerce Secretary to be questioned this week over decision to add citizenship question to the 2020 census.
Supreme Court articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the US and has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law. Also see our articles on Antonin Scalia and also on the Supreme Court case known as Citizens United.
Books Examines Links Between Presidents and Supreme Court Justices
Instances of presidents and supreme court justices blurring the constitutional separation of powers appear in a new history of American presidents at war.
Kavanaugh’s History Was Disqualifying Even Before the Sexual Allegations
Even without the sexual allegations, he should not be confirmed. Even with everything else aside I still stand by my initial reservations of this nominee. He appears to have been nominated as payback.
Senate Democrats Demand Release Of Kavanaugh White House Documents
During Day 1 of Senate confirmation hearings for Trump Supreme Court nominee, Kavanaugh, Democrats requested release of the nominee’s White House documents.
Trump Supreme Court Nominee Faces Start Of Confirmation Hearing
U.S. Supreme Court nominee Kavanaugh goes before Senate Judiciary Committee Tuesday for confirmation hearings that could cement conservative majority.
Supreme Court Nomination Lobbying Breaks Records With Ease
As of today, groups supporting or opposing Kavanaugh have already spent more than $1.1 million on television advertisements
Another Trump Supreme Court Nominee and Danger Ahead
This unmerciful biased court is going to undo not just the Great Society of President Johnson but probably the New Deal itself. Social Security is at risk. Medicare is at risk. Medicaid is at risk.
Ohio Democratic Voters Sue State Over Gerrymandered Maps
If the Supreme Court rules that this round of Ohio redistricting is unconstitutional, it should remain consistent and rule in favor for Republican voters in Illinois and Maryland. Only a solution that works for both parties is likely to stick.
Supreme Court Refuses to Block Partisan Gerrymandering
The Supreme Court missed an opportunity today to lay down a firm marker identifying partisan gerrymandering
Supreme Court Strikes Limits on Voter Apparel Slogans
Court strikes down restrictions in one state that banned voters from wearing clothes with the name of a candidate