Reexamine Citizens United: Possibilty That Court Will Fail to Stop Money’s Increasing Role in Politics
Supreme Court articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the US and has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law. Also see our articles on Antonin Scalia and also on the Supreme Court case known as Citizens United.
Erratic Supreme Court May Rule to Increase Political Corruption
Massive Opportunity For Reform May Turn Into Devastating Setback at Erratic Supreme Court as Decision in Two Weeks
Supreme Court’s Immediate Citizens United Reversal Possible
Citizens United Reversal Possible With Court Decision in Weeks to Impact on Money in Elections
Is John Edwards Trial Part of Citizens United Backlash?
Citizens United Backlash Charges of Fraud Bring Question About Possible Reversal by Supreme Court
Citizen United to be Reviewed by Supreme Court
Citizen United to be Reviewed: Chance to Reverse Citizen’s United Before Presidential Elections
Citizens United Fuels Outrage, Activism Across Country
Expert Lawrence Lessig Gives His Opinion on the Best Campaign Finance Reform Strategy as Citizens United Fuels Outrage
Texas Redistricting Case to Supreme Court for Decision
The Texas redistricting case election law will be followed closely, such as this article about the Supreme Court ruling on redistricting (or gerrymandering)