With a year to go, sustained efforts to secure integrity of 2016 election needed more than ever
Supreme Court articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the US and has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law. Also see our articles on Antonin Scalia and also on the Supreme Court case known as Citizens United.
NYC and the Coming Supreme Court Redistricting Case
Supreme Court that has upended voting rules nationwide to hear redistricting case in December
Legacy of Bush v. Gore Haunts Sandra Day O’Conner
Casting the deciding vote in the Supreme Court’s 2000 decision marks Sandra Day O’Conner’s career
78% Want Money Out Of Politics
With vast majority behind getting money out of elections, time to reverse Citizens United is here
National Popular Voting Plan Gets Supreme Court Boost
Another nail in coffin for the Electoral College as the national popular voting plan gets support
Things Don’t Always Get Better
Will we wake up in time and join forces against our common enemy before the pendulum swings back? Or will we continue on this insane roller coaster ride? Cause it looks like a big dip is coming. At least for some of us.
On Federal, State and Local Election Controls
Founding Fathers might have questioned modern balance between federal and local election controls
Reviewing Ever-Changing American Free Speech Legislation
A look at recent rulings and free speech legislation that directly impact elections of the future
Ted Cruz Still Backing Supreme Court Retention Elections
Presidential candidate keeping up his support for contentious Supreme Court retention elections
National Redistricting System Proposed in Congress
Fresh off transformational Supreme Court ruling, proposal seeks to set national redistricting law