Legislation would create a civilian force of 50 to 100 professionals across the state who would work to prevent attacks and respond when they happen.
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Social Media Artificially Exaggerating Political Polarization On Twitter
With the growing popularity of social media, Twitter has become a prominent place to voice opinions on both ends of the political spectrum.
Blockchain Voting: Unwelcome Disruption or Senseless Distraction?
Internet voting is not the same as online banking; it is more complex due to the fact that there must be separation of the transaction from the person’s identity.
Swiss Post’s E-Voting System Pulled For May Votes
E-voting system operated by Swiss Post will not be available for nationwide votes on May 19 due to a “critical errors” found during a public intrusion test .
Denver and West Virginia Deserve Praise for Blockchain Voting
Voatz’s blockchain technology is making inroads and uses so-called permissioned ledgers, meaning only authorized parties can operate them.
The Hottest Issue Among Election Integrity Advocates: Voting Machines
Is it possible to do reliable post-election audits on ballots which print a scannable bar code rather than human-readable voter choices?
Feds Seek To Up Their Cybersecurity Game
The idea that U.S. federal government could play a dominant and effective role in protecting the nation from malicious cyberattacks on everything from IOT.
Should India Worry About Deepfakes Affecting The Upcoming Election?
Should India worry about synthetic audio and video content created by artificial intelligence-enabled algorithms affecting the upcoming elections?
Additional Flaw Found In Swiss Post E-Voting System
Additional flaw found in the Swiss Post planned e-voting system has been discovered as the public intrusion test phase comes to an end.
Questions Abound Over New Pennsylvania Voting Machines
It looks like Luzerne County voters will not use new voting machines until next year, thanks in part to uncertainties over state funding.