Georgia’s aging, vulnerable, unverifiable, mismanaged, electronic voting machines are famously insecure
Voting Technology articles on Democracy Chronicles
This voting technology section highlights the important role technology has played in democratic history and seeks to explore how technology will shape the future of elections. This new era of elections is an area of heavy debate in political circles. Be sure to also check out our Election Technology section and our articles on Technology Dissidents, the Internet and Voting or Voting Machines.
Cyber Criminals Are Holding California Voter Database For Ransom
An Amazon Web Services (AWS) server containing files and sensitive information from registered voters in California was left exposed online , allowing it to be stolen and used by cybercriminals to extort a ransom. The database was discovered by security researchers at Kromtech Security Center and contained at least 4GB of files, believed to be […]
Blockchain Voting Security Bill Introduced in NY State Assembly
A New York lawmaker has introduced four bills covering blockchain, making it one of several states to consider the issue
Memphis Ranked Voting Law in Fresh Controversy
Tennessee Election Commissioners are going to court to settle a conflict over ranked-choice voting
Judge Already Orders Alabama Not To Destroy Voting Records
Read here about a last minute change that could affect any recount after today’s vote
A Look at Potential Replacements For Georgia Voting Machines
It could take them a year or less to replace Georgia’s 27,000 voting machines used in 159 counties
Voting Selfie Defense
The biggest argument in favor for banning these selfies is that it can lead to vote buying. That might be true, but to an extent that we should outlaw them? Don’t think so, bub.
Colorado Repeals Ballot Selfie Law
Colorado did the right thing by decriminalizing the celebration of people wanting to share that they participated democracy, which is one of the most patriotic civic duties a citizen can participate in.
Verified Voting With a Paper Trail is the Voter Hacking Solution
A letter to the Senate Select Committee that is investigating the 2016 election tampering
How the Tinder App Could Take Back the White House
Dating app Tinder is popular enough that it has become the target of political campaign spending