A campaign of voter suppression is being implemented by Brian Kemp, Georgia’s Secretary of State, who is also the Republican nominee for governor.
Voter Suppression articles on Democracy Chronicles
Voter suppression is an illegal strategy to influence the outcome of an election by discouraging or preventing people from exercising their right to vote. Also see our section on American democracy and our articles on Voter Turnout and Voter Access.
VIDEO: Daily Show Interviews Voter Suppression Book Author
Carol Anderson’s new book takes a close look at the legal history of the meaning of “one person, one vote” in America since Shelby County v. Holder ruling.
The United States Constitution And The Right To Vote
Freedom of speech and the rule of law are enshrined in the American Constitution but a specific “right to vote” was not directly mentioned by our forefathers.
Don’t Worry About Voter Fraud
Democracy Counts plans to supply three free apps to Democratic and Republican volunteer auditors. The volunteers comprise a group called Citizens Audit of Broward.
A Publication On the Voter Purge Rate: A Growing Threat
The voter purge rate is so high today that there is a true risk to democracy. A new report takes an inside look at how democratic rights are trampled on.
North Carolina Closes Early Voting Locations in Latest Outrage
In June, the North Carolina General Assembly passed legislation mandating that voting sites in the state remain open for uniform hours on weekdays.
The Republican Party is Brazenly Subverting American Elections
Republicans appear so desperate to hold onto power, KNOWING they lack majority support, that they are pulling out every dirty trick in the book to hinder and deny access to the polls.
Arizona Voter Purge at Center Stage in High Stakes Court Battle
There are thousands of Arizonans who think they are registered to vote this year, but they are no longer in the system says the League of Women Voters.
Trump Claims Russia to Help Democrats Win in 2018. Really?
The real election cheating in 2016 was just Republican politics as usual. The majority of these actions have been carried out as part of a campaign led by the controversial Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach.
Voter Purge Increase Threatens Midterm Election Voter Access
Trend could silence millions of voices at the polls this November, according to a new report