The pandemic acted as an accelerating agent for the movement. Linking medicine with political movements can also help explain other uprisings in the Middle East.
Women and Democracy articles on Democracy Chronicles
As over half the population of the planet is female, success for world democracy must include a building a stronger link between women and democracy. Women in the 21st century are set to have a larger political role to play if we continue to dismantle the barriers in the way of their political equality. Also see other suggested articles on subjects like Women Voting Rights, Feminism, Minority Voting Rights or LGBT voting.
Reading The Fall of Roe
The Fall of Rose: The Rise of a New America chronicles the pro-life activists against the pro-choice activities of the last 50 years since Roe v Wade was settled precedent.
Alabama’s Pro-Life Shift: Legality and Implications for Women’s Rights
Alabama’s pro-life shift raises legal questions and concerns about its impact on women’s reproductive freedoms.
More Black Women Run For Office, But A Ceiling Remains
Significant hurdles await Rep. Barbara Lee as she hits the campaign trial for a senate seat in California, a race expected to be competitive.
Number Of Nigerian Women Lawmakers Shrinks By Nearly Half
The number of female lawmakers in Nigeria’s parliament will fall by nearly half when legislators are sworn-in in early June.
What Will It Take To Make Democracy More Representative?
Multiple dimensions of identity simultaneously shape pathways to candidacy and representation for all groups seeking a seat.
US States See Record Diversity In Government Leadership
When the gavel came down to start this year’s session of the Michigan legislature, it was evident that those in power positions had changed.
The Women Of Iran Are Not Backing Down
In a country where the Persian language prioritizes the female in its sentences women are finally demanding their rights be prioritized.
Sierra Leone Law To Keep 30% Posts For Women In Power
Sierra Leone has set laws to increase number of women in decision-making in private and public sectors, five months before presidential polls.
Girl Scouts Earn Democracy Badge At Workshop In Salina
The workshop assisted Girl Scouts in grades K–10 in earning their Democracy Badge through learning activities on democracy.