Americans elected Donald Trump believing it was the right choice. After all, Ronald Reagan’s Presidency turned out just fine.
Both Trump and Reagan espoused racist propaganda while they were running for the top job in the country, not to mention to be the leader of the free world.
I believe Reagan’s legacy was the destruction of the middle class and the unions and a complete sell-out to corporate America.
Trump, like the man whom he stole his campaign slogan from, continued down this path causing further division in our country which, however, the GOP and America’s Oligarchs are responsible for.
It’s not American unless it’s white
President Barack Obama did a fine job of fixing many of these issues but the Carnival Barker seized power like a bad Batman movie villain and all hell broke loose.
I still don’t understand the racial hate of President Obama by the extreme edge of the Republican supporters, he was half-white half-black, had a Middle Eastern first name, and an Irish last name. How American can a man be? But in some circles, it’s not American unless it’s only white.
This callous ideology carried on through Obama’s Presidency up until this present hour and it was his presidency’s undoing – just by the fact that these people are angry that we as a country have become more and more a multicultural nation.
The events of January 6, 2021, and the attack on the Capitol Building didn’t come from out of nowhere but instead was an unnatural outcome from four years of hate speeches and the direct order by order by President Trump. This attack on our democracy by an outgoing president can’t be tolerated for a minute.
Too many democratic nations have lost their democracies to authoritarian leadership. Our current president handpicked a gang of goons to help manage his administration that could only be described as creepy, scary, and heartless at best.
Refugee children were suddenly thrown into cages, some were victims of rape, others were given hysterectomies against their will.
The tax breaks that Trump gave to the rich is a usual tactic for the Republican Party and will once again bankrupt the country so that we can’t help ourselves when things go south (like a pandemic).
The world is fighting global warming which might destroy the whole world but Trump put Scott Pruit with his 60 thousand dollar phone booth in charge of the EPA. Pruit is a known corporate shill and is famous for bringing lawsuits against the same institution that Trump then put him in charge of.
Betsy Devos who was put in charge of the Department of Education by Trump did not appear to be educated but had an agenda of privatizing the school system, a plan that would only further disenfranchise inner-city kids and people who could not afford to send their kids to private schools.
Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon as Trump advisors were extremely dangerous and were active government-paid leaders of the alt-right movement.
There are just too many things to say and I really don’t like putting things like this in print, I’d rather just play my guitar and follow the news. But this is our country and I believe we all have a responsibility to speak up for it and try to save it when threatened. Trump is fine as a tv star but not President, and now he has become a menace. We have spent too much time already under his leadership. Too many people have died already because of it, we’ll be lucky if we escape the blunders of his handling of the pandemic. I think he should be impeached immediately so that he can no longer continue his reign of terror on our country or the world for that matter!
Steve Schneider says
You wrote:
Trump is fine as a movie star but not President, and now he has become a menace. We have spent too much time already under his leadership. Too many people have died already because of it. We’ll be lucky if we escape the blunders of his handling of the pandemic.
I agree. We may pay for his failed leadership for years to come.
Jack Jones says
I’m sorry , Democracy Chronicles usually does a great job editing . This was not one of those times! The whole article was rewritten in a way that doesn’t make sense. Sorry for the confusion. Jack
Jack Jones says
Thanx for fixing . You guys do great work !
Ngah Gabriel says
Dear Jack
Sincere apologies for the mistakes in editing
Jack Jones says
Ngah, you are a great man who does great things. I can’t properly use the English language, but I would be embarrassed in comparison if I knew the languages that you can speak. You are a giant of a man who is doing important work and I got upset like a spoiled boy and threw a tantrum. Please forgive my bad manners and nonexistent decorum . You are the guy that I desire to become like one day! Thank you, for your great work. Jack
Ngah Gabriel says
No need to apologise Jack. We must continue to work together. Where there are mistakes they should be pointed out as you did. Also you must know that I admire your fiery passion in defense of democracy. Thank you for your great ideas and articles. It is thanks to people like you that change has taken place again in America today. Those of us in the African continent feel safer now that Biden is in the WH. Let’s keep promoting democracy as you do!
Jack Jones says
I appreciate your encouragement, I just finished an article and submitted it.
Carolyn J Jones says
I agree with all in this article.
Jack Jones says
Thanx again for reading and commenting . The encouragement is appreciated !
Phil says
Impeach the ring leader first then prosecute the goons. Guiliani looks like the Penguin in the mentioned Batman movie. Party on Jack keep playing that guitar!
Jack Jones says
I love you Phil ! Thanx again Jack