Nuclear negotiations have ignored that Iranian dissidents need help despite widespread suffering
How Filibuster Can Be Even Further Dismantled
Recent filibuster rule changes in Senate have not completely eliminated the peculiar tactic
Angola March Hints at Simmering Discontent
Oil dictatorship is facing renewed Angola march, protests and opposition as police use force
Government Clamps Down on Defiant China Journalist
Defiant China journalist and investigator Luo Changping is removed from his job at major newspaper
Political and Economic Inequality Are Brothers
Political and economic inequality linked in a mutually reinforcing dangerous downward spiral
President Vetoes Draconian Kenya Media Law
Worrisome draconian Kenya media law is vetoed by Kenya’s President in welcome sign for speech
Defensive Nigeria Ruling Party Ahead of Vote
Coming elections will be watershed moment for Africa’s largest country with defensive Nigeria Ruling Party challenged
The IRS Can Act to Expose Corruption With Transparency
IRS can act to expose corruption with transparency measures for Congress and to fight the dark money that has corrupted politics since Citizens United start
Connecting India’s Youth to Political Activism
Largest population in world seeks better access and connecting India’s youth to government access
Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and Election Money
Norquist is receiving tens of millions of dollars from Karl Rove for election influence – Grover Norquist and Election Money