Students are getting really creative ahead of National Voter Registration Day. These innovative strategies aim to get more peers registered to vote.
Transition time: From democratic decay & breakdown to innovation & renewal?
The recent reversals in democratic values are a wakeup call. It is becoming more and more urgent to prevent further democratic decay and push for renewal.
A ‘grand strategy’ for democratic resilience
Strengthening democracy is not done by withdrawing from the world. Democratic resilience needs the building of strong alliances worldwide.
A Texas County Clerk’s Bold Crusade to Transform How We Vote
Many figures have attempted to transform the way Americans vote. Among them is the story of a bold Texas county clerk, Dana DeBeauvoir.
Blind US voters sue over lack of accessible, mail-in ballots
US “voters with visual impairments say without accessible absentee ballots they must risk their health or give up privacy”, Aljazeera.
Election Day: Uber will offer discounted rides to polling locations
Uber is stepping up to play a role in the November 2020 polls. It is offering discounted rides to voters to get to polling locations.
Mnangagwa Breathing Fire, Demanding Arrest of Exiled G40 Members ‘Peddling Lies’ About Zimbabwe
President Mnangagwa is looking to have exiled members of the G40 arrested and returned to Zimbabwe to face what he calls justice.
Facebook launches poll worker recruitment push in the News Feed
There is a shortage of poll workers ahead of the November 2020 elections. Facebook has launched a poll worker recruitment push in the News Feed.
Release of Torture Videos Prompts Denials by Mozambican Authorities
Torture and extrajudicial killing, even if those concerned are suspected terrorists, go contrary to the rule of law vital to democracy.
Barr casts doubt on mail-in voting
AG William Barr has again blasted mail-in-voting. In his renewed condemnation of the method, he claims ‘there are going to be ballots floating around’.