There is a fine line between being a protester and an agitator, and unfortunately, the protests as of late have been leaning on the side of agitation, and I refuse to participate. I commend those who peacefully protest Mr. Trump, it is your right.
The Fragile State of American Politics
The people who support Donald Trump will not be dissuaded. Their beliefs are deeply rooted and will not waiver. They will defend him to great lengths. Facts are not relevant. They believe what they believe and that is it.
Behold, the Super Delegate
In New Hampshire, there are 32 delegates up for grabs, eight being super delegates. Keep in mind that it is delegates that determine who will be each party’s nominee. These eight super delegates are actually eight individual people
“It’s Our Constitutional Right”
This is the reality of the “free” democracy we live in. Where is the uproar over the rights we have already lost? To those who choose to defend our second amendment rights, I challenge you to defend the rights we have already lost.
The Undermining of American Democracy
In a time where inequality is widening and the concentration of wealth is greater than ever, our political system has been turned upside down. The game is rigged, and it’s not rigged for people like you and me.
Death to American Exceptionalism?
There’s no shame in admitting that we’re not doing as well as others. Death to American exceptionalism may be brash and unnecessary, but this is a plea to all, let’s put aside our pride and use common sense.