We, the voters, are frustrated! Until this reform occurs, the people who give the biggest campaign contributions can rather easily pass the corrupt laws they want. And they can continue to block the solutions that most voters want.
How to Stop the Two-Party Divide-and-Conquer Strategy
We must require that a winner must get more than half the votes. Alas, this simple rule cannot be imposed yet. Why? Because virtually all democracies currently use primitive single-mark ballots.
What Made America Great? A Postwar Monopoly On Un-bombed Factories!
Voters in virtually all democracies (in Europe, Asia, and North America) use primitive single-mark ballots, which only allow a voter to mark a single choice. Ideally a voter should be allowed to mark a 1-2-3 ballot.
Special Oscars Poll Demonstrates Pairwise Vote Counting
This NewsHereNow Oscars poll allows you, or anyone who is familiar with the Oscar-nominated movies, to rank the movies using a 1-2-3 ballot. And then computer software calculates which movie is really most popular.
Wild Election Results Brought To You By Single-Mark Ballots
Secret revealed! The humorous yet insightful story of how we ended up with Trump and Clinton written by the author of the ebook Ending The Hidden Unfairness In U.S. Elections
Vote Against Oregon’s Top Two Primary Election Proposal
Those of us in Oregon need to vote against the “top two primary” election because it continues to use single-mark ballots, which are the source of the problem. The idea of an “open” primary is a nice idea, but primary elections — of either kind — need to use a better kind of ballot.
Against Arizona’s Proposition 121, a Flawed “Top-Two” Primary
Anyone in Arizona who wants fairer election results should vote against Arizona’s Proposition 121, learn about vote-splitting, and look at the Declaration of Election-Method Reform Advocates to see which election-method reforms are supported by election-method experts
Democracy in Theatre: The Ice-Cream Flavor War
To help people better understand vote-splitting, and how this unfairness can be overcome, I wrote The Ice-Cream-Flavor War. A performance of it gives the audience the experience of seeing vote splitting in action, and seeing how pairwise counting can overcome that unfairness.
Poem: Abe and Thomas for President
The author of this poem, Richard Fobes, has given permission for the words of this poem to be used in any video, as long as the message of the poem is not changed to a different message. Spread his message!
Tax The Takers More Than The Makers
Tax The Takers, Simplify the Tax Code, Close Unfair Loopholes, and Significantly Increase Economic Prosperity