You are living at a watershed moment in history. This presidential campaign has, above all else, shown that you understand that the system is broken. We understand that. We are dissatisfied. Now is the time to take the next step.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Poemas del destierro/ Poems of Exile
Usually I post things about education or immigration. Sometimes I post things on poetry. This is about my father, and it is about his poetry, his beautiful poetry, which I want to translate completely, one day. So this is the beginning…
First They Came For Assange…
Amy Goodman of Democracy Now hosted “First They Came For Assange…”, on Wednesday at Thoughtworks NYC, one of the many events around the globe signifying the 4 years Julian Assange has been in political asylum at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London
Why the Ayotzinapa Victims Won’t Go Away
The recent publication of the second damning GIEI report, first publicized in the New York Times with subsequent coverage on National Public Radio is clear evidence that the Ayotzinapa movement has endured the test of time
A New Cold War? Tensions Between West and Russia
As the EU continues to struggle with numerous issues affecting the continent and the world, the organization voted on Friday June 17th to extend sanctions on Crimea and Sevastopol, regions of Ukraine which were annexed by Russia in 2014
ActUp Protest of Donald Trump outside Trump Towers
The action began with a march from a block away and as they marched they filled the street in front of Trump Towers. Donald Trump himself had to leave though the side exit to avoid the protestors.
Orlando Solidarity Rally of Healing and Action in NYC
About one hundred plus people took part in the event at Grand Central where the first reading of the names took place and was followed by a march down 42nd Street and across 7th Ave towards Stonewall
The Election to Decide Future for Australian Refugees
As the refugee crisis around the world proliferates, the upcoming Australian election provides a critical opportunity for the public to shape the future lives of refugees and the abusive nature of Australian refugee policies
The Responsibility to Protect: When is it Applicable?
The Responsibility to Protect emphasizes humanitarian intervention, with military force only as a last resort. I am not questioning whether or not the it is necessary, rather when it can be applied.
Walking on Knives in Orlando
With the recent events of the Orlando Massacre, I can’t help to think back to how Hitler became the prejudiced human he was. I catch myself picturing how he developed into the monstrosity he turned out to be.