After the Holocaust, the survivors truly believed that when the ‘world’ saw what had happened to them, surely it would never happen again. But it did… There is much work to be done by all of us to make those words a reality.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Be the Change You Want to See in the World: Be Freedom
Be Freedom is dedicated to movement activism and social transformation in the US. Are you active in the labor, environmental, womens, student, anti-war, or LGBQT movements?
Police Riot of 88′ at Tompkins Square Park
Amidst the amplified screams coming from the microphone of one of the Thrash bands that played at the weekend memorial to remember the Tompkins Square park Police Riots between police and “skinheads” back in 1988, where a group of homeless youth took over the park
Greece Agrees To Terms on Third Bailout Since 2010
Officials in the economically struggling country of Greece have come to an agreement on a third bailout when all sides agreed upon to the terms following marathon length talks which were aimed at getting more money to Greece
Justice Reform – An Action Plan
As an independent candidate for President of the United States, my solutions for reducing and preventing violence are the heart of my campaign platform – Fix Government, Build Peace
Russia Bans NGOs in Step Toward Another Cold War
Opposition members inside of Russia have been voicing concern recently about a law that was signed into effect that gives officials the power to shut down NGOs they view as “undesirables”
Things Don’t Always Get Better
Will we wake up in time and join forces against our common enemy before the pendulum swings back? Or will we continue on this insane roller coaster ride? Cause it looks like a big dip is coming. At least for some of us.
On Right and Wrong in the Particular Context of an Act
How can we tell what is moral from what is not? Is there something within us that lets us know? Is the difference between right and wrong free from situationism: the particular context of an act?
No Human Trafficking Cover Up For TPP Trade Deal
Human rights group are outraged by the State Department upgrade of Malaysia which comes just two months after the discovery of human trafficking camps and mass graves of trafficked persons
Activist Who Filmed Eric Garner Video Back in Court
Another day in Staten Island Supreme Court yesterday for Ramsey Orta, the young man who filmed the viral video of the chokehold death of Eric Garner last July 17th.