Considering the recent news out of Europe, there has never been a better time to plan a trip to support democracy than with a visit to the city that is perhaps most synonymous with the word.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
A Science of Peacemaking: 2015
I believe in the overwhelming power of face-to-face dialog. In terms of strategy and actions, building peace requires fixing government. In terms of lifelong transformation, changing hearts and minds only occurs through face-to-face dialog.
A German Anti-TPP Activist in New York City
Jurgen Maier, who came with his son, Johnny, is Director of the German NGO Forum Environment and Development, a network monitoring international negotiations and currently coordinating Germany’s campaign against TTIP.
Sonnet LXIX by Pablo Neruda
Yesterday was Pablo Neruda’s birthday, and since he is one of my favorite poets, I dedicate this post to him, my translation of Sonnet LXIX from 100 Love Sonnets: Cien sonetos de amor
The Curse of the X Sound
Julio César Guerrero offers some recollections of a different topic, but nevertheless these are fascinating to language lovers and history buffs. Soon too, he will fill us in with the back story of the months of planning for the Caravana43
Bernie Sanders Gives DC Statehood Huge Endorsement
Statehood for the District of Columbia is an important issue that must be resolved by the representatives in the Congress and the Senate who make the territory their home and share it with thousands of people who do not have a voice.
Recognizing Fallacies: Freedom of Thought
We would not become who we are by ourselves. It is through the interaction with others – e.g. family, peers, educational and religious institutions – that we are always becoming. In every society, ways of life – e.g. moral standards, sets of laws and knowledge – direct us.
VIDEO: No One Held Accountable For Torture
Please join us on July 6th as we continue to build a growing voice of people of conscience and shine a light together to expose the human rights abuses happening across our country in these cases. We have plenty of signs to share.
Peacemaking and American Violence: A Strategic Plan
My presidential platform combines fixing our broken government and building peace at home and around the world. I believe we have to reduce and prevent violence here at home before we can make much progress building world peace.
Will the Real America Please Stand Up?
I applaud South Carolina’s Governor Nikki Haley and Charleston Mayor Riley for their call to take the flag down in the State Capitol. 54 year is long enough.