The American, but foreign owned, Federal Reserve banking system and its debt sold money, is abolished! It is to be driven from our sovereign territory, never again to darken our land and our lives
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Direct Democracy Constitution Sections Three to Seven
All bills, including those for raising revenue, shall originate in any of the Three Houses. But the Volunteer House Of The American People will be the final decider of whether these bills will be passed and utilized
Direct Democracy Constitution Sections One and Two
Personal perspectives and convictions are important, but not as important as a well organized collective perspective and conviction. The Few is more important that the One; the Many is more important than the Few.
Parents of 43 Mexican Kidnapping Victims Speak
A group of students, parents, and relatives of the 43 normalistas forcibly kidnapped in late September in Iguala, Guerrero, Mexico, are expected to arrive in the US this week to speak about their experiences
Israeli Election Results Critical to the Future of Middle East
As we shall see in the next few days, this has turned into a very important election that may help determine the future for Israel, the Middle East and the United States
Lessons About Organizing From a Prisoner
Criminalizing someone like Hasan who came from a challenging background, abuse and poverty instead of giving people like him the help they need is a clear sign that the system we live in is completely inhumane
UNT Dallas Dallas4Ayotzinapa Forum
Each time Dallas4Ayotzinapa gets together for an action, we usually end it with each one of the participants taking a photograph of one of the 43 disappeared students. We take the photo and place it next to a lit candle that we have shaped into the number 43
IRS Whistleblower Joe Banister: Health is Criminal
Joe Banister, the famous former IRS agent turned whistleblower, was one of the guests on my radio show Tuesday evening on Awake Radio along with Marcy Brooks, the juror in the case of Whitey Harrell as depicted in Aaron Russo’s documentary, “America: Freedom to Fascism”
Ayotzinapa Somos Todos From Dallas to All
The parents, relatives, and friends of the disappeared students of Ayotzinapa have gotten together with a group of us from the United States – now called the Caravana43 – to bring awareness to their cause, because the world needs to know that this horror cannot be silenced any longer.
Harlem Rally for Jailed Eric Garner Cameraman
A small crowd of around 15 people were at 125th Street and Adam Clayton Powell in Harlem at 1pm today for a last minute rally and press conference for Ramsey Orta, 22, the man who filmed NYPD cop Daniel Pantaleo placing an illegal, fatal chokehold on unarmed Eric Garner