Progressives are right about the possibility of a split-vote when they vote for progressive parties if they worry about taking votes from a Democrat. But that doesn’t matter unless you think the Democrat is worth electing or any different from the Republicans.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
On Viable Political Parties: What Can We Do Now?
Voting is only half of democracy. Equally important is open and honest media (something that we currently don’t have any semblance of). In particular, it’s necessary that the public aren’t being fed a lie about what other voters want or which politicians belong to viable political parties.
No Fox, The Older Generation Isn’t Conservative Because of Wisdom
The dichotomy of the older generation and modern citizenry is not as simple as “they have more wisdom thus they become more conservative over time” or their “too out of touch and passé to impart immensely valuable wisdom in what direction society should head”.
Police Start to Put Pressure on OccupyHK
Police have started to put pressure on the pro-democracy protest group OccupyHK who have been protesting since the National People’s Congress announced candidates wishing to participate in elections in 2017 will have to be pre-approved by Beijing
The Public Should Reexamine Columbus and Amerigo Vespucci
Vespucci was a genuine navigator. Unlike Columbus, Vespucci knew where he was. In fact, Vespucci was one of the very few people who could find longitude before the introduction of the marine chronometer.
Yes, You Can Fight City Hall
If we as citizens want to have a voice, an effective voice that can create substantive change, local politics is where our experiments and voices emanate. Are we willing to relinquish the all too common excuse of ”you can’t fight city hall”?
What is the Best World Map? VOTE NOW!
In currently-published atlases and magazines, there are, very nearly, only two world map-projections that are ever encountered nowadays. The purpose of this poll is to find out which map projections people actually like and prefer.
Strengthen Whistleblowers’ Legal Channels to Challenge System
Imagine for a moment that Edward Snowden had gone through the proper channels of government in his effort to expose the illegalities of spying. How would this have played out? It is time to strengthen whistleblowers.
Labour Revitalized: A New British Labour Party?
One cannot ignore that New British Labour Party achieved historic success under its revamped policies, and therefore New Labour was far more than a set of disconnected ideas, it was a centre-left revolution.
Painting Series for Anniversary of JFK Assassination
My most ambitious series to date is this 50 work series devoted to 2013’s 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination. I tried to combine familiar media imagery from the weekend of November 22nd 1963 with abstractions of form, to make original statements about this iconic socio-cultural-political event.