On February 24th, Russia started an unprovoked war against Ukraine. It has become one more attempt of the empire to demolish the Ukrainian state.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
PODCAST: What Student Debt Says About Democratic Institutions
In a new book, Josh Mitchell draws alarming parallels to the housing crisis, showing the catastrophic consequences student debt has had on families.
Aging White Men Who Commit Voter Fraud Have Nothing To Fear
The sentences stand in contrast with the actions of the Governor who recently got the state legislature to create an election integrity police force.
What We Get Wrong About Putin’s Motivations. And Money.
7 weeks into the Ukrainian invasion our collective media is still wasting time kvetching about Putin’s wealth and the oligarchs surrounding him.
Who Pays For America?
The taxes that are being placed on middle class in America are ridiculous. The rich in comparison pay nothing, yet have everything.
PODCAST: Jon Meacham On Creating A More Perfect Union
Jon Meacham recently visited Penn State for a wide-ranging conversation on the war in Ukraine, polarization polarization, and the media landscape.
Mix Of Ego And Insecurity Drives The Race For L.A. Mayor
Angelenos may complain about state government like other Californians, but we have a practice of using Sacramento as training for local politicians.
Unlearned Lessons Of History: From Baturyn To Bucha Massacres
This totally mad and needless war, which Russia started on a large scale, has a long story behind it. This post will provide the historical context.
On Confronting A Lie
The problems that we are dealing with are because of the consistent misrepresentation of truth as well as the rich targeting our society’s weaknesses.
Thomas Paine Was Not A Libertarian
Libertarianism is the feeble step-child of anarchism: espousing that the individual is everything, the collective is always oppressive.