The upcoming Chile election represents the first time citizens are not mandated by law to vote as well as the first time that registration is automatic
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Our Documentary Kickstarter Campaign is Launched
Who elected these guys to run our government? You might say the American public, but you would be wrong. Support a Documentary Kickstarter Campaign today.
Russian Punk Band Member Ends Hunger Strike
Russian Punk Band Member: A member of the Russian punk band group Pussy Riot has ended her hunger strike in opposition to the conditions of the prison that she is being held in
Sudan Needs Help of the International Community
The time to act is now because Sudan Needs Help. The international community should band together to address the humanitarian crisis in this and many other regions of the world.
Romanians Say No to Destroying Treasured Carpathian Mountains
There is a growing movement in Romania, where plans to excavate a portion of the historic and deeply treasured Carpathian Mountains is already underway
The Ravages of War, Unchecked, Unbalanced
Together, we can stand up to tyrannical pursuit of ravages of war in favor of commitments to whole-world approaches of community and peace focused on ending conflict
Debate in Senate Shows a Divided Republican Party
A growing chasm among the divided Republican Party was highlighted by Senator Ted Cruz’s near marathon speech on the Senate floor against his colleagues
The Origins of a Black Name
What Are the Origins of a Black Name in America? These names illustrate a lack of cultural awareness attendant to a people who have been deprived of a proper education about their history.
Nothing Stands Forever – Happy 2nd Birthday Occupy Wall Street
Birthday Occupy Wall Street: It’s hard to swallow at times but we did fail to storm the castle. Wall Street did not come crumbling down. If anything, Wall Street has only consolidated its power. If anything, Wall Street has only consolidated its power
Interview with Occupy’s Nowhere Man
Occupy’s Nowhere Man Brian Connolly has been an OWS activist and instigator for nearly two years – he’s the guy who’s the spitting image of John Lennon