Political action to oppose gentrification has been some communities’ response against unintended economic eviction
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The Star Spangled Banner Deconstructed
A deeper look at the history of the Star Spangled Banner provides opportunity to inspect uncomfortable aspects of its message in regard to race and slavery
The Soon Return of the Peace Movement
Insanity of US foreign policy, the emergence of the Surveillance-Police State and destruction of the planet by corporate capitalism necessitate a return of the Peace Movement
No Human Rights for Foreign Workers in Arab World
Foreign Workers in Arab World: The modern Arabian nation is a place where democracy and human rights are tortured and finally murdered
Ad-free Facebook would still include ‘Big Brother’ NSA
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone talks about improving the new system for ad-free Facebook – but doesn’t talk about the bigger picture involving the NSA
Political Families: The Cheney
Political Families: What is in a name? It would seem that even in democratic politics, voters are not disillusioned with nepotism.
Austerity Inconsistent With the 21st Century
People are panicking in streets all over Europe as austerity inconsistent prices and ever increasing expenses are leaving them stranded
Washington Critical of Everyone But Itself in Snowden Affair
Criticizing China for letting Snowden Affair go is like blaming the fireman for the smoke detector without batteries
Guess who’s subsidizing the NSA’s spying on Americans?
American taxpayers flip the bill subsidizing the NSA domestic spying. This revelation comes from Representative Edward Markey (D-MA).
Denial of Voting Rights Feeding African-American Anger
On top of the tragedy of Tryavon Martin’s death, the outrage at the results of the Zimmerman trial stems from a seriously dangerous situation where African-Americans are not being adequately represented in our current government.