The answer lies in a tool of popular democracy that is little known in California, but has become a common method for addressing desperate problems.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
PODCAST: Tracing The Rise Of Illiberalism
Thomas Main’s new book The Rise of Illiberalism explores the philosophical underpinnings of this toxic political ideology and documents its rise.
To Respond To Putin, The EU Must Become A Nation
In the interest of democratic strength and security, a strong and fiercely democratic nation called Europe should be welcomed with open arms.
Africa And The Russia-Ukraine Crisis
In today’s interlinked world, stability in Europe can mean more stability at home in Africa and make the world a better place for us all.
Democratic Institutions: How To Break Elite Political Power
Elite political power can be broken down. Bringing about that institutional change is hard though. It requires broad awareness in the population.
A Collection Of My Best Memes On Dictatorships
I am proud to announce a collection I have put together to highlight some of my favorite artistic creations about dictators, monarchs and tyrants.
What If Everyday People Ran Los Angeles?
If the crisis in democracy had a capital, it would be Los Angeles. And if democracy is going to be saved, that rescue needs to start in California.
My Interview With DC Author Steve Schneider
From time to time, it is nice to get to know some of the DC Authors who make our website a place of fresh ideas. Today, we meet author Steve Schneider.
PODCAST: Moving Beyond News Deserts And Misinformation
Our guest this week says news deserts, misinformation, and information silos are all downstream from a much more fundamental disconnect.
Florida’s Election Integrity Police Force And DeSantis
Florida voters who died from Covid-19 were lifelong Republicans who consistently voted in primaries and general elections before the virus killed them.