The popular belief is that farmers in rural areas believe that the Republicans and their conservative beliefs are more likely to help their communities.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Trump Lies, Cruz Complicity, and Why Black Lives Matter in Texas
Carroll G. Robinson, law professor, attorney and Democratic activist, took time out from his hectic schedule to do an email interview.
Seeds of Discontent
There is a stirring in cities that have been decimated by corporate America and where their profit-driven relocation has caused pain of staggering consequence.
America After Trump
Our country must grieve and we must understand the trauma that has been created by Trumpism. Only then can the United States rise again.
Teaching Voting Theory With a Card-Based Voting Game
This uniquely inventive new game’s name ‘Concurrence’ is a play on words: it means “agreement” in English and “competition” in Russian.
Data governance surfaces as key terrain on which to regulate firms engaged in datafication by responding to the injustices of informational capitalism.
On The Dynamics of Abortion. And Argentina.
There’s big news from Argentina lately. By a fair margin abortion was finally legalized there last month after decades of grassroots activism.
An Expat American in the Middle East Discusses Trump Concerns
Democracy Chronicles author Steve Schneider interviews ex-pat American Jason Meursault who shares his overseas perspective on the Capitol riot.
Why Trump Should be Impeached
Trump’s tenure was a reign of terror. The 6 Jan insurrection is ground for Senate impeachment to prevent him from causing further damage to our democracy.
On Approval Voting and the National Popular Vote
Though written without regard for alternative voting methods, maybe the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is OK.