The time of self-promotion and greed has run its course. It’s time to embrace the love for one another before we rip each other apart for good and find there is no remedy to heal our broken lives.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Podcast: How Conspiracies Are Damaging Democracy
Democracy scholars Russell Muirhead and Nancy Rosenblum call it “conspiracy without the theory” and unpack the concept in their book A Lot of People Are Saying: The New Conspiracism and the Assault on Democracy.
3 Equalizers in an Unequal World
Despite growing inequality worldwide, ordinary people have three specific, significant and actionable forms of equalizing power: time, one vote and numbers.
Podcast: Defending the First Amendment and the Fourth Estate
The First Amendment and a strong Fourth Estate are essential to a healthy democracy. David McCraw, deputy general counsel of the New York Times, joins us to discuss how he helps journalists do their work,
On Election Security
While the current United States administration focuses on the border crisis, the threat to our election security is largely ignored. A Republican majority Senate has blocked two election security efforts.
Podcast: The Past, Present, and Future of Protests
L.A. Kauffman is a longtime organizer and author of the book How to Read a Protest: The Art of Organizing and Resistance. She traces the history of the modern protest movement since the March on Washington in 1963.
The English Psycho and Brexit: A Psychological Profile
It is a psychological fact that in chaotic times people frequently allow narcissists and psychopaths to rise to the top of organizations, often faster than they do normally. Clinically, Trump and Boris Johnson tick nearly all the boxes.
A Modest Proposal to Save and Improve the Electoral College
There is currently a debate in the US about eliminating the Electoral College and replacing it with a National Popular Vote. There are also ardent defenders of both arguments. There are valid arguments on both sides.
The Sources Of British Democracy Are Being Poisoned
In the continuing mess that is Brexit, some very foul smells are arising from the pile of awfulness that it is. To date, there is no solid agreement on what to do and which direction to go in.
When Anger Is A Gift: Puerto Rico Rising
The multitudinous and persistent demonstrations that call for the governor’s resignation show that democracy and dignity walk together. Puerto Rico demands loud and clear: “Ricky resign!”