The 2020 national elections are right around the corner and you have much to offer: you opinions, your gifts and your talents. Please use them for the sake of this Republic as well as your families.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Thoughts on Corporate Personhood
In looking for sense in the modern world, we must not overlook the fact that, whatever the judicial rationale supporting the decision that corporations are persons, corporations are not human.
Is Algeria Turning Green or Staying Red?
Algeria has long been a gangster state so now these angry youngsters have taken to the streets in large numbers. Most of the population is very poor, half are under 30 and 29% are unemployed.
Listening to the Voices of Our Farmers: Preview
Dairy farming is the perfect microcosm for all the ways big money and bad policy is destroying local control of our food supply, devastating rural economies and filling us up with chemically enhanced products.
Instant Pairwise Elimination Voting Brings Fairness And Better Candidates
We, the voters, are frustrated! Until this reform occurs, the people who give the biggest campaign contributions can rather easily pass the corrupt laws they want. And they can continue to block the solutions that most voters want.
Buggered in the Balkans: Russia’s Latest Antics
Ethnic tribalism and the poison of religion with its magical fairy tales are the weak links where malevolent actors like Russia can manipulate and damage democracy – even in a modern European context like Serbia.
Elizabeth and Bernie: The Ticket I Would Vote For
I love Bernie Sanders. I also have a soft spot for Elizabeth Warren. I want them both and I want them both now. They would be better than the dynamic duo, power couple or gruesome twosome. They would be Elizabeth and Bernie!
Thoughts on Government
There are three flaws in our government: the way we maintain our laws, the way we tax, and the way we select our representatives. Until we improve, we cannot sunset bad laws or improve the way we tax.
The Disability Party Proposes a Constitutional Amendment
Disability Party believes the Constitution needs to be amended to reform some major problems with the federal courts and federal judges. These problems are being used to block disability rights.
Amazon Pays Nothing in Taxes, But the Poor Sure Do
The middle class and the poor need the tax breaks, not the Oligarchs at the top. There are property taxes, income taxes, alcohol taxes, license plate taxes, utility taxes, tobacco taxes, gasoline taxes and more.