How can liberal democracies defend themselves against political challenges without undermining their core values?
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Let The Kids Rule School Boards
Remember that grown-ups like to say that you kids need to learn civics, even though no one provides much in the way of civics classes.
Understanding Union Voters
Our guest is Lainey Newman, co-author with Theda Skocpol of Why Working Class Voters are Turning Away from the Democratic Party.
On October 7th
We need voices to say that these attacks against Jews across the world are disgraceful. We need you to stop being silent.
On a Rocky Hill in Athens, a ‘Democratic Odyssey’ Begins
Could a European People’s Assembly—Politician-Free and Chosen by Lottery—Become a Permanent Branch of Government?
There Are No “Two Sides” in Gaza
More astounding than events in Israel last week was the much larger than expected support for the atrocities by the woke left.
The Non-Controversy Over Mail Voting
The benefits of mail voting are numerous, the drawbacks are mostly imaginary. Mail voting must become a national priority.
Finding Peace Before It’s Too Late
I don’t talk about the Middle East much, because the more I learn the less I seem to understand. Many, many people, hope and pray for the end of the conflict.
Why Did Republicans Choose Trump In 2016
Why did Republicans choose Trump in 2016? Why is he the front runner in the Republican primary again this year?
Dianne Feinstein Was California’s Last Ambassador
These would-be Feinstein successors have recently issued statements praising her, but they won’t try to fill her shoes.