It is agonizingly slow trying to get justice for those born and poisoned at Camp LeJeune. I asked to overturn the denial of my Camp LeJeune Family Member Program application. I am still waiting.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Republicans Are Still Getting Away With Voter Suppression
There was only one instance of an illegal immigrant whom they found voting. She was brought to the US as a baby and wrongly thought she was eligible to vote because she lived here her whole life.
Khashoggi’s Death and the Politics of Profit
It is up to ordinary people like us to become more critically aware of the global political-economic systems that govern our lives. From that point on, the choice is ours to make – do we continue to condone it?
I Feel a Burden Gone After the 2018 Election’s Blue Wave
These great changes I believe should help our country to overcome Trump and his treacherous policies in 2020. I will be holding my breath along with you till 2020 but for now, thank you for voting.
Consequences of the Camp LeJeune Poisoning to Me and My Family
The Marine Corps and the judges who have been violating my disability and constitutional rights. They must be punished. Otherwise, more tragedies will happen as U.S. Marines are ordered to cut corners.
Thoughts on Political Lobbying
Those wishing to affect pending legislation should present their arguments, publicly, in hearing rooms provided for the purpose — and that should be the absolute limit of their personal contact with our elected representatives.
Why Democrats Should Take a Fresh Look at FOX News
If you don’t watch FOX, I highly suggest you make it a regular part of your viewing habits if only to get a better sense of what conservative media are telling their viewers.
Thoughts on the American Political System
Why is our political infrastructure a shambles that produces so few trustworthy candidates for public office? The answer lays in the foundation of democracy and the edifice we’ve built on that foundation.
What’s Next For Me After Running For Congress in Upstate New York
I decided to take my major campaign statements and explain them better in the form of a short book and I will begin a podcast series in January 2019. Yes, I am thinking about running for office again!
The Dangerous Republican Strategy to Manipulate Voting
We the people need to make our ballot system secret and sacrosanct again. Vote counts must be beyond reproach and we must make them as immune as possible against party shenanigans and malfeasance.