I am honored to be included in this new publication and art exhibit featuring poets from across America and the world coming together to address the meaning and the effects of building THE WALL.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The Zimbabwe Coup: One Year Later, a Country Failing to Move On
Very few details have emerged about the coup, as the government has tried to keep a tight lid on information. What we do know, however, raises a great number of suspicions.
Report From the Peace Congress to End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad
I was lucky enough to attend the “Peace Congress to End U.S. Wars at Home and Abroad” that took place in Washington D.C. on November 9th. I livestreamed the morning session.
The Mixed Results of the 2018 Midterm Election
Much of the future direction of the nation politically depends on whether Democrats can tap into their own identity and reveal to the American people a message worth voting for.
Thoughts on People and Myths: The Great Depression
Academics are slowly coming to realize that the US is more an oligarchy than a democracy, but it will take time to loosen the grip of the democracy myth on the people.
Court Decision Could Open Access to the Ballot for Disabled Candidates
It makes no sense at all for states to be registering people to vote online, but then not using that same system to make it easy for voters to sign ballot access petitions.
URGENT: DC Author and Hong Kong Protest Leader Facing Jail
Democracy Chronicles author Benny Tai emailed asking that we do our best to share this call for help. Benny and his friends will stand trial in Hong Kong on November 19.
The Midterms Were a Very Real Victory for American Democracy
It has been a daunting task from the very start. Don’t let the expectations of a greater wave and a larger breach in the wall diminish the very real victory achieved on Election Day 2018.
Fargo, ND Becomes First US City to Adopt Approval Voting
Voters overwhelmingly made their city the first in the US to adopt approval voting, an alternative voting method in which voters can vote for as many candidates as they approve of.
My Election Day Thanks to Voters
Thank you all for so many kindnesses, for trusting me with your stories, and for sharing a vision of peacebuilding, social justice, a healthy environment and grassroots wisdom. Get out and vote!