Cameroon’s Constitutional Court announced presidential election result in favour of incumbent Biya, 85, in power since 1982. How did Biya win? With everything being equal, he will be in power till 2025, a whopping 43 years in power.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Just Moved? Lost Your ID? The Affidavit Ballot Is Your Friend
Untold Americans have actually died for this vital right of ours. To not exercise it disrespects their memory and sacrifice, and to not try to vote when emergency ballots are available is a cop out.
Democracy From the Perspective of an American Citizen
There is an enormous difference between what Abraham Lincoln called “government of the people, by the people, for the people”, and the pseudo-democracies that engulf us. These pseudo-democracies are actually oligarchies.
Experimenting With NAFTA: Trade in Goods and Politicians
I suggest we rethink NAFTA as I believe we have not used it to its fullest potential. I wonder if NAFTA should incorporate trading in politicians. What if NAFTA included a trade in politicians?
Disability, Democracy and Mixed-Member Proportional Representation
New Zealand’s Mixed-Member Proportional election system would be good for disabled people in the United States because disability concerns could be heard in Congress more easily.
Polling Mischief in Maine Shows Why We Need Ranked Choice Voting
Let’s make sure whoever wins this election actually has the support of a majority of Mainers. Let’s bring legitimacy back to our elections, and not shenanigans. Everyone needs to get behind ranked choice voting!
Thoughts on the Evolution of Politics: Beyond Political Parties
Our political system in the U.S. failed, not because of our Constitution, but because we allowed those “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” to build the party-based monstrosity that controls us.
On Restoring the Right to Appeal to the Supreme Court
The easiest way to change this system is for Congress and the president to repeal the Judiciary Act of 1925 and give us back the right to appeal to the Supreme Court. That’s the system given to us by James Madison.
Practical Democracy: The Next Step in the Evolution of Democracy
Practical Democracy is a bottom-up process that lets every member of the community participate to the full extent of each individual’s desire and ability. The process corrects the flaws in the present system.
Poll Shows Fargo Residents Support Approval Voting 2:1
We’re all curious how approval voting stands in Fargo for the upcoming ballot measure. So over the last week, the Center for Election Science contracted a poll with Prime46, a local polling agency in North Dakota.