A series of cyber-attacks targeted Rep. Dana Rohrabacher’s Democratic opponent. The brain behind this attack still remains a mystery. But Rohrabacher has a nickname among his colleagues: Putin’s Favorite Congressman.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Public Debates on Cuba’s Constitution Can Be Makings Of Democracy
The most surprising move in this is that citizens have been invited to discuss the new Constitution. It seems there is opening to transform Cuba into a Socialist republic. Let’s hope these debates will be rigorous.
Why It’s So Easy to Sell the Republican Idea to the Poor
Democrats don’t have it easy. It’s so much easier to sell the conservative and Republican idea, the have it your way, the ‘all about you’ philosophy. It is just fun to join a quest of self indulgence and the destruction of compassion.
Impunity For Australian Catholic Church Officials is a Mistake
As a Bishop of the Catholic Church, Wilson should be a beacon of truth and an example to his flock and the rest of society. To have failed in his moral duties should have earned him a stricter sentence.
My Thoughts On The NFL Anthem Protest Controversy
I too love our nation and our flag. We should strive to be a nation where everyone wants to stand for the flag, rather than one that forces and coerces citizens to do so.
Abortion Vote is a Set-Back for Argentina and Progress
If we move forward, informed by science and medicine and real facts, our species prospers and needless suffering is reduced. If we move backwards, as Argentina just did, we’ll keep walking blindly into hard objects.
The Philosophy Behind the Wall Street Cabal of Greed
The problem with America is Wall Street-style heartless capitalism where the guys at the top love only money, worship greed, and don’t care how it affects you and I. That’s just the way it is. Profit without conscience is the credo.
Nigeria Senate President Bukola Saraki Told To Hand Over Power
In the latest stunning development in Africa’s largest nation, Nigeria’s Senate President Bukola Saraki was asked to relinquish his position after he changed party from the ruling All Progressive Congress to the People’s Democratic Party.
Outlining An Immediate Cure For Post-Election Violence in Zimbabwe
Coupled with the unusually fraught political tension in the election run-up, this recent violence is cause for concern. Addressing these issues now could be vital in preventing violence in the future.
Homeopathy Alert: CVS Sued for Fake Medicine
In 2018, when pretty much all the real information we need is a few index finger spasms away from our frontal cortices, garbage reigns supreme. It’s not just fake news, its fake medicine.