600 women were arrested for civil disobedience at the Senate Hart Office Building. They symbolically wrapped themselves in thermal blankets to represent the shelters the refugee children have to live in.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
On Finding Teachable Moments From the Trump Era
My greatest fear is that we have not resolved the very issues that led to Trump’s election. We have spent the greater part of the last two years yelling into a cyber hole and creating more divisions.
Reviewing the Players Set to Influence Zimbabwe’s elections
The first round of the presidential election will be held on 30 July. If there is no presidential candidate that is able attain 50 percent plus one vote, the second round is planned for September 8.
Hey America: Love is the Answer!
We like to promote men of low moral content. Most of them received draft deferments but, as true chicken hawks, can think only about war. That’s why I stop every time I hear John Lennon sing: “Love is the Answer”!
The Making of a Fascist Empire
The creed of Reaganomics is greed is good. Just tell that to the child that doesn’t see his parents anymore because of a two job work load or is going to bed hungry. Is this the so-called “Promised Land”?
The Best Of My African Democracy Memes
Today I am proud to announce a new collection I have put together to highlight some of my favorite artistic creations that highlight the struggle for democracy in Africa: Its my African Democracy Memes collection!
Will it be War Again?
We have to worry if Trump plans to go to war to win re-election as a war president, like George Bush Jr. before him. And would he go to war just to please munition manufactures? What’s he trying to accomplish?
Political Accountability in America
Corporate America has been allowed to turn the media into a monopoly and it is past time to enforce the Sherman Antitrust Act to break up the monopolies. And I also believe we need to reenact the media regulations that Reagan stripped.
“They Don’t Want You to Know” – Conspiracy Theories
But are overarching, complicated cabals with many players and moving parts influencing world events? Nah. Belief in them is widespread, however, and discloses various personal traits.
The Border Children
Bring down hell fire and woe on the backs of these calloused beasts and do not remember their names in the Book of the Living. For they sold your innocents for power and lorded it over them.