Why should a better voting-system be allowed, unless the people who own the lawmakers want to cede government to the public? And without verifiable vote-counting, it wouldn’t make the slightest difference.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
Thanks to New Fundraising, the Center for Election Science is Hiring
With exciting projects like our push for approval voting in Fargo and general capacity building, we’ve reached the point where we have to bring on more staff. We’re hiring!
Zimbabwe’s 2018 vote is its most important in decades
President Mnangagwa recently said that he would announce the date of the harmonized elections anytime after 12 February. The big question is whether voters will choose the ruling ZANU-PF party or the opposition MDC.
At the Yemen Can’t Wait Rally at Senator Chuck Schumer’s office
Protests outside Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer’s office in New York City today were calling for an end to American support for the Saudi-led war on Yemen under the rally slogan “Yemen Can’t Wait!”
The Blockchain Voting Startups Designing Our Future Elections
Many startup companies are trying to develop election technologies today. Among the newest and most exciting of the next generation of technologies is known as blockchain voting, the same technology behind the digital currency Bitcoin.
Is the U.S. distancing itself from Puerto Rico?
Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we stay silent about things that matter”. So my fellow Americans, do not keep silent! Speak up when you see abuse and mistreatment. Puerto Ricans are human beings!
The contempt for the radicals
Too many are convinced that the cause of increasing populism, the mistrust of the establishment, and a new political landscape across the western world is only an unusual virus; namely the radical, malignant and infectious mob.
Together We RISE – Photos from the NYC Women’s March 2018
An estimated half-million people turned out to the protest to support women’s rights, reproductive rights, Black Lives Matter, Children’s Rights, to impeach and arrest Donald Trump and much more.
PHOTOS: The 1804 Movement organized ‘All Immigrants March’
Organizers lead a few hundred demonstrators of mostly Haitian descent in chants like, “No Justice, No Peace” and “Impeach, Donald Trump”, in call and response fashion as they marched from Brooklyn to Manhattan’s Trump building.
High hopes for NJ felon vote advocates under new Governor
Felon voting rights remain a controversial reform among many but a key revelation from the report is that mass incarceration of African-Americans is historically tied to the issue.