Only a fool would predict, so here goes: Lebanon’s war lasted 15 years, but Syria’s will last longer because the foreign backers are in it for the long haul: for global, not regional, victory.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
American Greatness Through a British Eye
American Democracy is much more engaging to the electorate; elections for both houses of Congress and a sort of election for the President. Representatives campaign so much more aggressively than their British counterparts.
How Boost Mobile is Helping Solve Voting Inequalities
In an effort to help fight against voter suppression and the strict voter ID laws, cell phone company Boost Mobile has been trying to figure out ways to help combat racial and class inequality in voting.
2017 UK General Election: For the Good of the People?
Is focusing your campaign on the premise that your vote will make Theresa May more powerful as a politician democratic? It all has a whiff of authoritarianism about it if you ask me.
Liberals in 2017 – SMILE!
The hard right’s flank has opened. This is not empowering for them, it spells disaster as the bulk of decent Americans and all liberals turn on the Republican Party with full force.
UK Democracy Goes Into Overdrive
The choices available to the electorate are clear. The mainstream parties have polar opposite approaches and policies to what they feel is best for the country. Conflict politics is certainly alive and well.
The Role of Pre- and Post-Election Art Programs in Peacebuilding
There has been an increase of donations into arts-based programs in conflict zones and programs for persons whose lives have been disrupted by violence.
VIDEO: Migration is Both Natural and Magical to This Artist
When I was discovering art for the first time, I felt like there was a door that opened in my family’s ancestry, and I could be the first person to tell our story without the fear of censorship.
2017 French Presidential Elections: Do They Do It Better?
We’ve seen a different picture of French elections under alternative voting methods before. Fortunately, we’ll all get another look as an alternative voting method analysis is again underway.
VIDEO: Close Rikers Prison Discussion With Singer John Legend
Artist John Legend told the New School University crowd he “wanted to make it clear what percentage of the Rikers population have not even been convicted of a crime, 80%”.