For all four countries, the culmination of war, poverty, mass displacement, inaccessibility to aid, drought, and crop failure is a formula for famine, with the ultimate result being severe food deprivation that threatens millions.
Articles by DC Authors
DC Authors articles from Democracy Chronicles writers across the globe are colleced here. And take a look at DC's Author Central page for more information about the writers and even inquire about getting involved yourself. Together, they help cover free and fair elections on every continent with a focus on American democracy.
The State of Peacebuilding With Elections in Africa
In Africa, the holding of regular elections has in most cases failed to translate to democracy and peacebuilding. For instance since 2000 Zimbabweans have experienced five national elections.
Article 50 Initiation: Beacon For Democracy or Britain’s Biggest Con?
The final process of the Article 50 journey is the subsequent deal that is negotiated and if a proper and suitable democratic mandate is not given, then frankly, the British people have been conned.
Photos From the Citywide Alliance Against Displacement March
Our communities are under siege as we live in the instability and crisis that resulted from the Mayor’s rezoning policy that is displacing us from the places that seek refuge.
Women and Political Participation in Africa (Part Two)
With the world population having more women than men, it should be clear that with the right political environment women should gain more public elections for government.
“Othering” and Islam in Australia
Along with being similar societies with all the good; strong rule of law, secularism, and equality, the dark forces of mistaking religion for geographic culture, Islamophobia, and “othering” continue to divide.
Photos From a Muslim Ban Protest in Union Square
A crowd of around 40 or so gathered at Union Square park on Thursday with Noche Diaz of the NYC Revolution Club speaking about the public being passive.
Two Needed Changes to Democracy in the US and the UK
The UK is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Only two of those countries, England and Wales, voted to leave the EU. Ergo the UK did not vote to leave the EU.
The Beginning Of The End?
An interesting feature of Western Civilization, is the reluctance to change, or natural transition. From the Greco-Roman Era to the present, we find examples of social decay brought on by prolonged decadence.
Photos From the International Women’s Strike and March in NYC
A coalition representing dozens of grassroots groups and labor organizations organized a number of actions in support of labor campaigns, migrant rights, Sanctuary Campus campaigns, and others.