Israel is currently in an electoral process. But the system in place could cause an Islamist-Arab party to determine who governs.
International Democracy articles
Here you can find all our articles on international democracy (as in outside the United States). The progress of world democracy, pro-democracy protest movements, and the struggle of political dissidents will be covered here. There will be no question over whether democracy is for everyone! You should also check out our main section on World Democracy with links to our broader website.
How India’s Internet Shutdowns Damage Democracy
India prides itself with being the biggest democracy but also shuts down the internet. However, its internet shutdowns damage democracy.
A Hard Time For Democracy In Asia
There is a hard time for democracy in Asia at the moment. This situation comes following four years of the Trump Presidency.
Campaign Finance Reform Won’t Itself End Elite Control of Politics
There can be no doubt whatsoever that America’s campaign finance regime is a wild west that diminishes the power of the many.
South Africa’s Time For Electoral Reform May Have Arrived
Proportional representation hands power to party bosses which disempowers voters. It may be time for electoral reform in South Africa.
Partial Solutions Are Available For Tunisia’s Constitutional Impasse
The feud between the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister in Tunisia has devolved into a constitutional impasse.
Can #FreeHaiti Movement Bring Democracy To Struggling People?
Plagued by government mistrust, corruption, foul play, the hashtag #freeHaiti has permeated social. But can it bring democracy to Haiti?
The Tyranny Of Public Ratings In Our Hyper-Democracy
Ratings are common today. Even items like toothpaste are ranked. The age of collective opinion, and its hyper-democracy, is here.
Does Where You Work Influence Your Political Beliefs?
Political views are shaped by many personal traits. Our work environment can also have major influence on our beliefs and attitudes.
Nepal’s Young Democracy Stuck In Ongoing Political Limbo
Nepal, hardly heard of in the news but is one of the world’s struggling democracies. It is currently faced with an on-going political limbo.