To restore constitutional balance, we must bring the career politicians home and replace them with patriots
American Corruption articles on Democracy Chronicles
American corruption here involves more blatant uses of money politics to corrode democracy. Forms of corruption obviously vary, but include government related bribery, extortion, cronyism, and embezzlement. Also see our sections on American democracy and Money Politics or our articles on Worldwide Corruption.
VIDEO: Martin Sheen Slams Money Politics
Represent.Us asked Martin Sheen a question and got out the cameras. His unscripted response shocked them.
But What Can We Do Right Now?
Progressive party platforms give us an idea of what it could be like, if we had democracy. But first we have to get democracy, and that’s what this article is all about.
Controversy Over Planned Return to Congressional Earmarks System
Conservative lawmakers speaking out against a House Republican proposal to revive Congressional earmarks
JFK’s Advice For This Hour Of Change And Challenge
People everywhere understand that although the system that’s been in place for roughly a century has created amazing science, technology, medicine, and arts, it has run its course.
Ossipoff’s Pre-Election Day Reminder
So, how to vote? The best, appropriate and effective vote is to boycott the illegitimate elections and to demand verifiable vote-counting in big pro-democracy demonstrations all across the country.
How Lobbyists Secretly Woo Top Election Officials
Lobbying has reached into one of the most obscure corners of state government: the offices of top election officials
VIDEO: How Corporations Control Judicial Election Spending
Corporate money has been pouring in at unprecedented levels to dominate judicial election spending
How Chicago’s Election Technology Protects Local Voters
Officials believe that updates to Chicago’s election technology prevents repeat of past scandals
Assessing the Possibility of a Rigged Vote in America
One of the major party’s Presidential candidates is warning of a rigged vote, but how likely is that?