Imagine calling a friend.Instead of hearing a ring tone you hear a police siren, and then a voice intoning, “Be careful in your dealings with this person.”
Dictatorships articles on Democracy Chronicles
Here you will find our latest news on dictatorships around the world. These articles attempt to shine a light on the ridiculous, bizarre, and inhumane ramifications that result from organizing human societies without consent of the humans. The worst abuses of dictatorships will be covered here as well as their most outrageous behavior. Also see our section on the Political Dissidents who struggle against dictatorships across the world.
“From the errors of other nations, let us learn wisdom.”
Thomas Paine
Documents Offer Rare Look Inside Syrian Government Crackdown
Thousands found in Syrian government offices reveal the reach of President Bashar shadowy security agencies that sought to eliminate dissent at all costs.
Torture Thrives in Climate of Impunity in DR Congo
A U.N. watchdog group is demanding an end to the widespread practice of torture and other cruel punishments in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sanctions Threaten North Korea’s Old and New Elites
North Korea’s cash-strapped economy is under crippling international sanctions, it means traditional elite, rising merchant class may be feeling pinched
Podcast: A Playbook for Organizing in Turbulent Times
20 years ago, Srdja Popovic was part of a revolution — literally. He was a founding member of the Otpor! movement that ousted Serbia Slobodan Milsovic from power in 1999.
Pan-African Survey Finds That Many Africans See Freedoms Retreat
Afrobarometer’s most recent pan-African survey says Africans “see their individual freedoms diminishing, and willing to give liberties for security.
One-Third Of The World Living In ‘Autocratising’ Countries
Numbers living under autocratic systems have risen to 1990 levels, no time to sound democracy’s death knell, writes a major international research project.
China’s Effort to Silence the Sound of Uyghur Language
In the Chinese Communist Party’s drive to erase markers of Uyghur identity, the Uyghur language is a target because it is a Turkic language.
Sudan’s Omar al-Bashir Must Face Justice For Recent And Past Crimes
Following the announcement by Sudan’s Public Prosecutor that he will charge former president Omar al-Bashir with the recent killing of protestors.
Report Outlines Threats to Freedom in Multiple African Countries
In a dozen countries across Africa, governments have put laws that “improperly constrain” nongovernmental organizations and imperil civil society.