On September 11, SB 212 passed the legislature. It lets non-charter cities and counties use ranked choice voting for elections for their own officers.
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
Why Maine’s Governor will delay action on Ranked Choice Voting
Gov. Janet Mills said Friday she would delay action on a bill passed by Maine lawmakers last month to expand ranked-choice voting to presidential elections.
Bill Nemitz: Ranked-choice voting in Maine just got a lot more complicated
Newly passed bill requiring that Maine use ranked-choice voting in its March 3 “Super Tuesday” presidential primary adds a whole new wrinkle.
FEC Vice Chair Resigns: dire implications for decision-making as 2020 polls loom
FEC vice chairman Matthew Petersen resigned Monday effective Friday. His resignation leaves the election cop with a decision-making body shy of a quorum.
Largest Newspaper in Maine Urges Legislature to Pass Ranked Choice Voting for Presidential
Maine Press Herald, has this editorial asking the legislature to pass the bill that would provide for ranked choice voting in the presidential primary.
Electoral College Voting: Denver Court decision another Jack-in-the-box
Denver 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals may add another Jack-in-the-box element for the US electoral system if it allows electors to vote as they please.
Georgia voters challenge legality of new election system
Georgians who want hand-marked paper ballots challenging new election system state officials rushing to implement for next year’s presidential primaries.
Ranked-Choice Voting: How does it work?
Ranked choice voting (RCV) makes democracy more fair and functional. It works in a variety of contexts. It is a simple change that can have a big impact.
Ex-GOP lawmaker from Maine says he won’t run for his old seat in 2020
Former Rep. Bruce Poliquin (R) on Sunday announced that he would not run for his old Maine seat in 2020, citing “family priorities.”
Reexamining Sortition: Political Power to Ordinary People
A strong, radically democratic vision for the left must combine advocacy of growing state power with demands for more effective citizen oversight.