Experiment With Election Methodology Based on DC Author Michael Ossipoff’s Expertise
Election Methods articles on Democracy Chronicles
This election methods reform section will highlight alternatives to the widely used plurality voting system like approval, ranked and instant-runoff voting. See our entire section called Voting Methods Central. Also see our section on American democracy.
INTERVIEW: Democracy Chronicles Author Discusses Approval Voting
Free Thinker Michael Ossipoff is a DC Author Discusses Approval Voting and the Plurality Voting System That Makes People Afraid to Express What They Want
Can Pop Music Elections Aid Democratization of Society?
Japanese Music Contest’s Challenge to Existing Institutions Compared With Arab Spring and the Theory That Music Elections Aid the Democratization Movement
Is California’s New Primary System a Model For America?
New Primary System a Model? Top-Two Election Method is Controversial Among Californian, Americans
Is the National Popular Vote a Good Idea?
Responding to Paul R. Hollrah and making the point that almost anyone would find the national popular vote a good idea
Writer Laments Useless Vote of His Home State
Useless Vote: Late Voting States in Primaries Saw the Contest End Before Their Election Day
California Nonpartisan Primary Election Recalibrating
Can New Systems Lead to Less Partisan Candidate in Recast California Nonpartisan Primary Election?
Changes to Elections Impact California’s Independents
Big Impact on Independents: Third Parties in Jeopardy of Further Marginalization as State Moves to ‘Top Two’ Primary
INTERVIEW: Redistricting, Vote Splitting and Honest Voting
Election-Method Expert Discusses Election Methodology Theory, the Possibilities For Serious Reform in America, Vote Splitting and Honest Voting Strategies
Attempt at Unusual Election Reform Loses Steam in Arizona
Unusual Election Reform: Are Americans Open to Fundamental Reform of Election Methodologies?