What would you suggest as best direction for election reform if you could suggest anything?
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Republican for Illinois Governor Pushes Election Reforms
Corrupt political machine target of Republican for Illinois Governor’s term limits proposals
New Jersey’s Long History of Controversial Governors
Corruption and power are interwoven in centuries of New Jersey’s controversial Governors
Turning Tide of Money in Elections This Week
Developments regarding money in elections this week show regulations to continue to weaken
Dozens of States Battling Citizens United With Legislation
Different states battling Citizens United in different ways with varying levels of success
Running for Congress With No SuperPAC Money
Washington has literally been bought by all sorts of other special interests. Big food, big weapons manufacturers, big oil, big pharma, big telecoms, big healthcare and big sugar. We are fighting back – with no SuperPAC money
NY State Public Campaign Financing Very Close to Passing
Time to support statewide public campaign financing in New York State as decision near
The 200,000% Increase in NJ Political Spending Since the 70s
NJ political spending last year was more than every previous year combined
Secrecy Prevents Full Account of Koch Brother Power
Koch Brother power and access to lawmakers is largely secret though signs are clear
Out of State Money and New Hampshire Senators
It’s possible to prevent outside groups from donating to campaigns for New Hampshire Senator