Political and economic inequality linked in a mutually reinforcing dangerous downward spiral
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
UPDATE: Democracy Chronicles’ Documentary Filming
Just recently we followed Lynne Syrpe, Green Party candidate for the New York City Council on her quest to represent Astoria, Queens. We filmed interviews with Syrpe, her campaign staff, and even followed her campaign on election day to get an inside view of third party campaigning
The IRS Can Act to Expose Corruption With Transparency
IRS can act to expose corruption with transparency measures for Congress and to fight the dark money that has corrupted politics since Citizens United start
Karl Rove, Grover Norquist and Election Money
Norquist is receiving tens of millions of dollars from Karl Rove for election influence – Grover Norquist and Election Money
Ancient Campaign Finance System Falling Apart in NJ
New Jersey’s ancient campaign finance system for regulating money in elections is coming under fire
Philadelphia Campaign Donation Limit Draws Fire
Board of Ethics creates Philadelphia campaign donation limit but a total ban would be much better
86 Million in Campaign Spending by Karl Rove Revealed
Rove’s SuperPAC is revealed to be connected to massive campaign spending by Karl Rove on elections
A Nation of the People or of the Corporations?
Money in politic’s new role in elections has transferred political power to a nation of corporations at the expense of the nation of the people
Obama, Money, and the Corruption of American Elections
Obama has taken great advantage of the corruption of American election’s campaign finance laws
Tea Party Fights Transparency for Donor Secrecy
Tea Party fights transparency and wants end to campaign transparency to protect identity of donor