Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia Supreme Court Member’s accused of conflict of interest
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Supreme Court Double Down on Citizens United?
Supreme Court Double Down: Latest on the Supreme Court’s new plans to dismantle barriers to money in election
VIDEO: Congressman Denounces Money in Politics
Congressman Alan Grayson speaks about his worries on growing corruption and denounces money in elections
Undue Influence of Money in Congress Farm Bill
Debate has been display of influence of money in Congress farm bill design at expense of public
Democrats Spend Fortune Defending NJ Legislature
Defending NJ Legislature controlled by Republicans if impact of popular Chris Christie remains
Silicon Valley Spends Lobbying Fortune for Tech
Major US technology firms like Facebook from Silicon Valley spends lobbying fortune on government
Election Reform Gathers Steam in NY State
NY has been holding local elections every two years since American Revolution and now election reform gathers steam again
New York State Election Reform Update
New York State Election Reform: Brennan Center at NYU is leader of election reform community
Guess who’s subsidizing the NSA’s spying on Americans?
American taxpayers flip the bill subsidizing the NSA domestic spying. This revelation comes from Representative Edward Markey (D-MA).
New Jersey Influence of Money Shapes Elections
Politics awash with money flooding in every conceivable race showing New Jersey influence of money