Democrat Kucinich slams IRS targeting of GOP group’s political campaign spending in 2012 election
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Senior IRS Officials Knew of GOP Crackdown
Major scandal brewing regarding IRS targeting GOP activists in 2012 election with important new revelations that IRS officials knew of GOP crackdown
How Transparency is Abused for Corruption
Groups seek trading in government intelligence find transparency is abused for corruption easily
NJ Campaign Finance Push Hits Setbacks
Famous for corruption, need of election reform for better government in NJ campaign finance
Real Chance for New York State Election Reform
New York state election reform including public campaign financing and early voting seem possible
Corporate Money Overwhelms US Politics
Corporate money overwhelms US politics and have rearranged power balance since Citizens United
Feingold Critiques Mark Zuckerberg SuperPAC
Election reformer Russ Feingold angry at Mark Zuckerberg SuperPAC for secrecy of its donation plan
Controversy Mars NY Campaign Finance Push
Much rests on Governor Cuomo, but NY campaign finance push is gaining strength in NY State Senate
NY Senate Leaders Decide Campaign Finance Fate
Public funding of elections has wide support of voters but NY Senate leaders decide campaign finance law in the end
Vote Buying Mars California Tribal Election
Constitution in jeopardy as Chukchansi leaders split Council ahead of California tribal election