Push for State of NY public financing of elections faces uphill climb unless Governor shows guts
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
The Role of Money in Judicial Elections
Election of state judges faces same influx of cash donations to campaigns with rise of big money in judicial elections
Georgia in New Election Donation Limits
Donation to elected officials sees new limits imposed by Republican Governor
It’s Hard Implementing Transparency in Georgia
Transparency in Georgia concern as officials grapple with new transparency and voting laws
Public Financing Under Threat in North Carolina
System of public financing under threat and could be completely curtailed in North Carolina
Dark Money Inflows Cause Panic in Montana
With huge dark money inflows to American elections, more residents worry about corruption
Fiasco in South Carolina Spikes Election Costs
Election mistakes, errors and lawsuit danger in South Carolina spikes election costs with disarray
Socialist Senator Sanders Denounces Money Politics
Senator Bernie Sanders Denounces Money Politics as openly socialist and only independent Senator
Massachusetts Election Turns to Influence of Money
Political campaign finance reform becomes Massachusetts election issue with rising influence of money
More Florida Transparency But More Money as Well
Governor Scott signs bill for more Florida transparency but guts limits on money at the same time