A complaint filed at the FEC accuses 18 super PACs of misleading voters by hiding party political action committees that financed them.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Corporate giants want new voting rights measure passed
On Wednesday, more than 150 corporate giants, including Target, PepsiCo, and Google asked Congress to pass a sweeping voting rights bill.
Court Upholds NJ Law To Limit Money Politics
A federal district court has upheld a New Jersey law that bans banks and other big corporations from making political contributions.
Seattle Voters Increasing Use of Democracy Vouchers
Two new candidates for Seattle Mayor have relied heavily on “democracy vouchers” whose use is increasing in the city’s elections.
Billionaire Donors Overwhelm NYC Mayoral Election
Billionaire donors have overwhelmed New York’s mayoral vote. To know their preferred candidates one just has to follow the money.
Money Is Speech
I’m not a constitutional scholar. I discuss issues of public interest by using my common sense, which tells me that, in our country, money is speech.
Large Trade Association Pumped Money Into Manchin’s Coffers
Federal Election Commission records show the small-state senator got campaign donations from the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies PAC.
Texas Companies Reluctant To Take Sides On Voting Rights
After Democrats derailed one of Texas’ most restrictive voting bills, business leaders have gone silent make plan their next steps.
Money Removes Some Disability Barriers in Elections
5th Amendment compensation can make possible political activity and campaigns to increase disability democracy access. Money talks.
Ivy League Dominance Presents A Threat To Democracy
Experts say that the growing concentration of wealth and influence at Ivy League colleges poses a “fundamental threat to our democracy.”