Spending Records to be Broken as Romney Raises as Much of the Spent Cash Will be Unrecorded
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Obama Campaign Struggles to Compete With Republican Fundraising
Romney Sees Strong Support From Superpacs Obama to Compete With Republican Fundraising
Independent Spending Groups to Have Huge Impact on Election
Outside Money From Independent Spending Groups to Have Unpredictable Effects on Presidential Elections
Outdoor Campaign Advertising to See Huge Spending
Outdoor Campaign Advertising and the Advertisers to Make Huge Sums From Presidential Campaigns
Consequences of Citizens United Ruling Becoming Clear
Court Finds Wide-Ranging Consequences of Citizens United, Auctioning Elections to Highest Bidder
Group Plans NY State Public Financing of Elections
Governor Cuomo Organizing Citizens to Build Support For NY State Public Financing of Elections
Citizens United Ruling in the Press
Citizens United Ruling: Election Law Blog Has Links to Various Newspaper’s Articles on the Consequences
Supreme Court Ruling Widely Condemned by Reform Community
Court Ruling Widely Condemned: Media Ignores Ruling as Obama Silent, a Champion For Democracy?
Supreme Court Upholds Citizens United Again in New Ruling
As the Supreme Court Upholds Citizens United the Issue Becomes for Congress Alone to Manage Fix
Incompetent or Corrupt Supreme Court Allows Citizens United
Corrupt Supreme Court: Need For Reform of the Judiciary Proven as Unelected Justices Act Against Democracy