There was an interesting new press release on the subject published at political action committee End Citizens United, a group that claims to be dedicated to an effort to “fix our democracy by getting big money out of politics and protecting the right to vote”. Take a look: Groups backed by millions from dark money […]
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Police Union Donations to Political Campaigns Block Reform
A newly released online data tool for detailing the role of police unions in local, statewide, and federal politics.
Australia Dark Money Crisis Overwhelming Political System
Australia’s weak donation laws are allowing political parties to hide the origins of $1bn in income.
Pay-to-Play Politics is the Norm According to Microsoft President
Microsoft CEO Brad Smith offered his employees a candid take this week on why the company gives money to politicians.
How Dark Money Helped Joe Biden Win the Presidency
President Joe Biden benefited from a record-breaking amount of donations from anonymous donors backing him.
To Limit Corporate Power, Fix Campaign Finance Laws
Although not all campaign spending is disclosed, we know that PACs, third-party groups, and other big donors dominate candidates’ funding.
Are Corporate Donations Good for Political Moderation?
Individual donors prefer to support ideologically extreme candidates while access-seeking PACs tend to support more moderate candidates.
How Outside Money Makes Governing More Difficult
More money to the political parties, rather than outside spending, produces more cohesion and less fragmentation within the party caucuses.
Denver Seeks to Build Innovative Campaign Finance System
MapLight is partnering with the City and County of Denver, Colorado, to build a new campaign finance system to advance government transparency.
Study: Companies in More Corrupt States Pay Higher Dividends
Companies headquartered in U.S. states with higher levels of political corruption pay out more to investors through dividends and stock buybacks