There are still fears of foreign interference in 2020 elections. Senator Amy Klobuchar has argued that paper ballots and election funding are the solution
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Republicans Signal They’re Willing To Pay Up To Avoid An Election Day Disaster
Congressional GOP, after initial reluctance, have now signaled willingness to provide more elections funds which elections officials have been asking for.
Progressive group launches $59 million vote-by-mail effort
Way to Win on Thursday announced that it is rolling out a $59 million effort aimed at helping minority voters vote by mail in November, report.
How Corporate Law Can Help Democracy Post–Citizens United
Many people still don’t know about the pernicious effects on democracy from this tool, dark money, used by the wealthy to manipulate politics in secret.
Public Campaign Financing Is a Bright Spot in the Shadow of Citizens United
Hazel Millard & Joanna Zdanys argue that reform remains the antidote to the ill-effects of big money in politics ever since a 2010 Supreme Court decision.
Public Campaign Financing is how to run without chasing megadonors
Ian Vandewalker and Kevin Morris of Brennan Center argue that public campaign financing offers candidates a way to run without chasing megadonors.
Trump Campaign Plans Greater Focus on Money Bundlers
President Trump’s re-election campaign plans to step up its efforts to capitalize on so-called bundlers.
Inadequate Oversight of Private Vendors Critical to Election Security
Brennan Center report finds inadequate oversight of private vendors critical to election security, proposes framework for more transparency and protections.
‘Dictators in Moneyland’: Challenging kleptocracy
Ever since the earliest years of this century, Ukraine has been the contested frontier in a grand ideological struggle between democracy and kleptocracy.
Zimbabwean activist doctor unable to recall details of his disappearance
Prominent doctor and activist Peter Magombeyi leader of Zimbabwe doctors’ strike was abducted and tortured but can’t recall details of his disappearance.