As a new Legislature will be seated in Albany, a coalition of 90 groups wants governor and lawmakers to reform the state’s voting laws this coming session.
Money Politics articles on Democracy Chronicles
This Money Politics section includes news about the efforts to reduce the influence of money over the election system that has grown substantially since the Citizens United ruling. Also see our entire section on Money Politics or our articles on Political Lobbying.
Senate Vote is Win Against Illegal Foreign Political Influence
Without the Schedule B requirements, nonprofit groups could take illegal foreign contributions and use them to swing elections with almost no chance of getting caught.
Petition Takes Aim at Corruption in Florida
Florida petition to United States Justice Department and the United States Attorney General has garnered over 8,000 signatures.
Comparative Perspectives on Political Finance Regulations
Money is a necessary component of the democratic process, enabling the expression of political support as well as competition in elections.
In Support of a Pay Raise for New York Politicians
New Yorkers deserve a highly professional state government. In order to attract the best, brightest, and most independent to public service.
Buffalo Billions Scandal Lays Bare NY State’s Corruption
Charges against Joseph Gerardi speak a culture of corruption in Albany and need for a serious assessment of NY State’s ethics laws. Citizens Union reacted.
D.C. Council Passes Sweeping Anti-Corruption Reform Legislation
Pay-to-play and ethics reform legislation passed by the D.C Council last night will strengthen small-donor public financing of D.C. elections and others.
Billionaires Eyeing White House Visit Early Voting States
Billionaires eyeing White House visit early voting states where they all said they would do everything for a successful 2020 Presidential race.
Final Vote on Critical D.C. Anti-Corruption Reform
D.C. Council cast vote on critical pay-to-play legislation limiting contributions from District contractors to elected officials over contracting process.
House Democrats Unveil Democracy Reform Agenda
Incoming House Democratic leadership is expected to unveil proposal for comprehensive reform bill that would bolster voting rights and others.