Popular political cartoonist Xavier “Bonil” Bonilla once again fighting Ecuador censorship police
Political Artwork archive on Democracy Chronicles
These Political Artwork articles reflect the strong relationship between the arts and politics, particularly between various kinds of art and power, occurs across historical epochs and cultures. As they respond to contemporaneous events and politics, the arts take on political as well as social dimensions, becoming themselves a focus of controversy and even a force of political as well as social change. Also see our main section on Political Art or our extensive articles on World Protest.
Oh, The Poor Perpetrator! A Light Bulb Moment
The answer is right in front of our faces. We cannot afford to not hold those responsible to account. Every time we don’t, it gives them that much more leverage to do it to us and condemn the next innocent person!
Does Charlie Hebdo Reflect Rising Islamophobia?
European Muslims must go ahead knowing rising Islamophobia is set to continue without a successful refocus on unity rather than division across the world.
Empire Into Forest: Pillars of White Supremacy
Gouache concept is based on the article, Hetero-patriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy (Rethinking Women of Color Organizing), by Andrea Smith.
Anti-War Iraq Vet Talks American Sniper Movie
Brock McIntosh, a member of Iraq Veterans Against the War and co-founder of IVAW’s Afghanistan Veterans Against the War Committee, talks about American Sniper.
The 7 Dictators Playwright Competition Ends!
The Forgotten Writers Foundation from Egypt and Democracy Chronicles from New York would like to say thanks!
China’s Cultural Revolution: An Ode to My Burning Family
Familiar red imagery of Cultural Revolution propaganda to create something that speaks more truth to violence rather than the false utopia it represented
2 Weeks and 7 Dictators Playwright Competition Closes!
On February 1st the 7 Dictators Playwright Competition Closes So the Time is Now to Finish Up!
30 Thousand Join Stamp Stampede Against Corruption
Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream wants to see you and your friends join Stamp Stampede to get money out!
EVENT: Rational Discussion on Democratic Policing in Brooklyn
Promoting a rational discussion among people of faith about law enforcement, race, gun violence and social inequality. Democratic Policing Event Saturday!