Election expert Richard Hasen discusses interplay of Supreme Court reform and electoral politics
Supreme Court articles on Democracy Chronicles
The Supreme Court is the highest court in the US and has ultimate appellate jurisdiction over all federal courts and over state court cases involving issues of federal law. Also see our articles on Antonin Scalia and also on the Supreme Court case known as Citizens United.
Are Refugee Children Lesser than Other Children?
With the help of activists, lawyers, and too many to be named, we were able to stop the government from continuing to license the Berks County Residential Center in Berks, Pennsylvania.
Winning Restraints on Arizona Judicial Political Activity
Court upholds new restrictions on Arizona judicial political activity that had caused concern
Arizona Redistricting Case at the Supreme Court
Supreme Court arguments begin in haste for potentially disruptive Arizona redistricting case
Podcast: Discussion on Supreme Court Redistricting Ruling
Experts discuss the upcoming Supreme Court redistricting ruling and how it will impact voting
Hawaii Racial Voting Restrictions Blocked by Supreme Court
Supreme Court finds Hawaii racial voting rules can’t discriminate against non-aboriginal Hawaiians
Should We Use Voters or People to Define Districts?
The Supreme Court may alter our democracy when it decides how to define districts in new case
One Person, One Vote Under Supreme Court Microscope
For a long time redistricting has been a scandalous assault on the one person, one vote promise
Can the Supreme Court Reform Redistricting Nationwide?
Court has taken on multiple cases that might see rulings that reform redistricting for good
The Undermining of American Democracy
In a time where inequality is widening and the concentration of wealth is greater than ever, our political system has been turned upside down. The game is rigged, and it’s not rigged for people like you and me.